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10 Facts About....Ginger Rogers

☆ America's most famous dancing partners, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, appear together on the cover of Life magazine on August the 22nd in 1938.

☆ She became a member of the vaudeville troupe called ‘Ginger and Pepper’ and made her debut on Broadway musical show ‘Top Speed’ on December 25, 1929.

☆ Was given the name "Ginger" by her little cousin who couldn't pronounce "Virginia" correctly.

☆ She didn't drink: she had her very own ice cream soda fountain

☆ Was Hollywood's highest paid star of 1942.

☆ Her first teaming with Fred Astaire, Flying Down to Rio (1933), was her 20th film appearance but only Astaire's second.

☆ She owned a lingerie factory in Rock Island Tennessee, called Form Fit Rogers.

☆ A keen artist, Ginger did many paintings, sculptures and sketches in her free time but could never bring herself to sell any of them.

☆ Was named #14 Actress on The AFI 50 Greatest Screen Legends

☆ Directed her first stage musical,'Babes in arms', at age 74.

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